I met with Adam today at the house. There have been some significant changes/additions since my last post. Young's Heating and Cooling installed the Furnace and Ductwork and the framing of the basement looks pretty much complete. Things seem to be moving along steadily, even with the below freezing weather we have had on and off the last couple of months. Below are some pictures I took today. I know they are not the most exciting or glamorous photos but I'm trying to keep everything documented, plus I think it will be cool to compare them with the finished product.
Young's installed a Coleman 18 Seer Echelon 2 stage heat pump with a Honeywell Zoning Kit. Adam said Young's was timely, professional and he was very impressed with the way it turned out, all except some vent covers he sent back that didn't meet his standards. :)
We decided to go ahead and finish off the basement along with the house. We wanted a family/play room for the kids, a spare bedroom, bathroom, the mechanical room, and of course, a wine cellar. The framing is mostly complete so I can now start to picture it. It will be a nice addition to the house I think.
Electrical installation will begin next week and Adam said we should have Drywall installation going by the end of next month. Things are really starting to come together.